Individual Service Agreements (ISAs) are an important part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which aims to provide support and services to individuals with disabilities. An ISA is a written agreement between an individual and their service provider outlining the supports and services that will be provided to the individual under the NDIS. In this article, we will discuss what an NDIS Individual Service Agreement is and why it is important for NDIS participants.

What is an NDIS Individual Service Agreement?

An NDIS Individual Service Agreement is a contract between an NDIS participant and their service provider. It outlines the supports and services that will be provided to the participant under the NDIS, including the cost of these services.

The NDIS was introduced in Australia in 2013 to provide funding for supports and services to individuals with disabilities. Under the NDIS, individuals are able to choose the services and support they receive, rather than being limited to services provided by a specific agency or organization.

An ISA is a critical component of the NDIS as it ensures that the participant and their service provider have a clear understanding of the supports and services that will be provided. It also provides a framework for monitoring the delivery of these services and measuring the participant`s progress towards achieving their goals.

Why is an NDIS Individual Service Agreement Important?

An NDIS Individual Service Agreement is essential for ensuring that participants receive the supports and services they need to achieve their goals and live a fulfilling life. It helps to establish clear expectations and guidelines for both the participant and the service provider. Participants can use the ISA to ensure that they receive the services they need, while service providers can use the ISA to ensure that they are delivering the appropriate level of support.

The ISA is also an important tool for monitoring progress towards achieving the participant`s goals. It provides a framework for measuring progress and identifying any areas that need improvement. This helps to ensure that the participant is receiving the support they need to achieve their goals and live an independent and fulfilling life.

Another important aspect of the ISA is that it outlines the cost of the services and supports that will be provided. This provides transparency around the cost of services and ensures that participants are not charged for services they have not received.


An NDIS Individual Service Agreement is a crucial part of the NDIS, providing a framework for the delivery of services and support to individuals with disabilities. It outlines the services and supports that will be provided, as well as the cost of these services. This helps to ensure that participants receive the support they need to achieve their goals and live a fulfilling life. As a result, it is essential that NDIS participants and their service providers have a clear understanding of what is included in the ISA and how it is used to monitor progress and outcomes.